We have many reasons to give thanks this holiday season. We are especially thankful for the love and support of our family and friends as we make this once-in-a-lifetime trip. We love and miss you all! I am thankful that M…

We have many reasons to give thanks this holiday season. We are especially thankful for the love and support of our family and friends as we make this once-in-a-lifetime trip. We love and miss you all! I am thankful that M…
Early in our trip, “Yosemite” somehow morphed into “Yomesite” for the kids. Though clearly one of the biggies when it comes to National Parks, whether we would actually make it to Yomesite has been in question from day one. For the…
Motoring down I-15 South out of Vegas with the rear view mirrors and camera devoid of friendly faces, we felt alone for the first time in two months. Traveling with others, especially family, provides a sense of security and enhanced excitement…
We came. We saw. We painted the town gray. I have no moral, ethical, or religious objection to gambling. I just object to losing money. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained” is a slogan that works well for me in Vegas. After…