Varied Skies

Bearly Got Wood

Motoring down I-15 South out of Vegas with the rear view mirrors and camera devoid of friendly faces, we felt alone for the first time in two months. Traveling with others, especially family, provides a sense of security and enhanced excitement in sharing experiences together. We were fortunate to have Grammy and Pops with us as we explored Wyoming, Utah, and Vegas. They will be sorely missed.

We endeavored to fill the gap left by our departing travel buddies with anticipation for what lies ahead, a visit to the Giant Sequoia groves of Sequoia National Park and King’s Canyon National Park. We journeyed through Hinkley (of Erin Brockovich fame), past the Space Shuttle landing site at Edwards Air Force Base, and by the Mojave Spaceport on our way to Bakersfield for an overnight stop. Rosemary’s Creamery welcomed us to California with giant deserts, including a delicious double chocolate chip cookie concoction.

Bakersfield-Rosemary Creamery

Bakersfield-Rosemary Creamery

Resisting the urge to get breakfast at Rosemary’s Creamery, we motored up CA 99 through McFarland (of McFarland USA fame) and on to Sequoia RV Ranch in Three Rivers, CA. No less than five black bears greeted our arrival.

Sequoia-BearSequoia-Bear (2)Forced down the mountains by a huge summer wildfire finally extinguished in September, the bears would be our constant companions for the duration of our stay. They guarded our motorhome while we were away and welcomed us home at night. Not the best guard animals, they would scamper up a nearby tree when spooked.

Sequoia-Bear (3)

Sequoia and King’s Canyon National Parks protect the largest trees (by volume) in the world, including the largest named General Sherman. A higher elevation snowstorm thwarted our first attempt to tour the parks and we returned the next day toting tire chains. Signs along our route to the park queried “Got Wood?,” seemingly mocking our unsuccessful effort to see the big trees.

One might be surprised that we would work so hard to visit a tree named for a man who ravaged our home state. But that was 150 years ago and you have to respect a man named for a Shawnee Chief that can succeed in the 19th century U.S. Army. Certainly, you have to respect the world’s largest tree.

Sequoia-General ShermanSequoia-Park (4)

Slightly smaller, but once thought bigger, the General Grant Tree (our “Nation’s Christmas Tree”) stands in the General Grant Grove of King’s Canyon National Park.

Sequoia-General Grant


Pictures cannot convey the sheer enormity of these trees, much less what it is like to frolic in snow-covered groves of Giant Sequoia.

Sequoia-Park (2)



Sequoia-Park (3)

Sequoia-Park (5)



After days of trying, we could finally respond to the mocking roadside signs that we had in fact “Got Wood,” but just bearly*.

*I know, Mr. Grammar Police, that this should be “barely.” It’s a pun. Get it? Oh, never mind.

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