Varied Skies


The Ubiquitous Cowfalo

Cowfalo: noun \ˈkau̇-fə-ˌlō\ 1. A ruminant mammal of the Bovinae subfamily often seen in the distant grasslands of the Great Plains possibly inhabited by buffalo.  Cowfalos unvaryingly reveal themselves upon closer inspection to be merely cows. Millions of buffalo once grazed across the Great…

Thanks Dad (and Mom)!

Circa 1976.  A burnt orange truck rambles down an Oklahoma back road destined for the Wichita Mountains.  Strapped in the truck bed is a 12-foot, self-contained, camper.  My mom rides in the passenger seat.  I sit in the “boot,” a…

The Great State Debate

Even before our trip began, controversy rocked the family to its core.  We affixed a U.S. map outlining all the states to the front slide of our motorhome to visually show our travels.  We have camped in Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana,…