A little over 400 years ago, 105 Englishmen determined that a buggy swamp just off the Chesapeake Bay would be a great place to start a colony, even though the area had no reliable supply of drinking water and was surrounded…

A little over 400 years ago, 105 Englishmen determined that a buggy swamp just off the Chesapeake Bay would be a great place to start a colony, even though the area had no reliable supply of drinking water and was surrounded…
While Grammy and Pops motored out of St. Augustine to hold down the fort in Pensacola, we blazed a trail of historic firsts through the Carolinas. On April 12, 1861, a 10-inch mortar erupted from Fort Johnson on the shore of…
I’m embarrassed. Years of training and practice have taught me to question “facts,” look at the other side, and probe beneath the surface to find the truth. In this age of instant communication, the truth often becomes obfuscated or is…
The time came to saddle up and head north up US1 back to the mainland. We decided to stop in the West Palm Beach area for a few days and were pleasantly surprised when we rolled into John Prince Park.…
Welcome to Sugarloaf Key, situated in the lower Florida Keys at Latitude 24.6246° N, the furthest south we will venture in the motorhome on this grand tour. We island hopped down US1, crossed the 7-mile bridge, and rolled into the Sugarloaf KOA…